Heart Health

Aspirin or Fish Oil?

Aspirin or Fish Oil?

It’s a no-brainer! Taking a daily aspirin has long been considered a safe way to prevent heart attacks and strokes, because of its blood- thinning effects.  But the FDA has recently reversed this recommendation as a result of several...

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Power Nutrition For Your Heart

Power Nutrition For Your Heart

CoQ10 is short for Coenzyme Q-10, also known as ubiquinone, because it is ubiquitous or exists everywhere in our bodies.  It is most concentrated in the high energy-demand parts of our bodies, such as the heart and kidneys. CoQ10 is...

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CBD: What you need to know

CBD: What you need to know

One of the hottest new items to come along in health care in a long time is CBD. It’s everywhere — in every form! Topical, pills, drops, vapes… it’s the magic pill everyone has been hoping and waiting for. Well, is it that? Maybe. We are seeing...

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